5 Lessons from Narnia

Like most other sensible people, I love stories. Good stories have the power to captivate our attention by taking us into another world on a journey that changes who we are and how we live. Our enthusiasm, patience, and our open minds are the only things these stories demand of us, but offer us so much more in return. A good story is a priceless gift. Only those who are willing to give their time and attention to them discover the riches that lies within.

The Chronicles of Narnia has been my latest journey. I was surprised by the gripping effect of this seven part series written to an audience of children! After spending a couple weeks on this adventure with C. S. Lewis in the world of Narnia, I want to reflect on some powerful lessons throughout this adventure!

1. God is always in control.
The most significant character in all these stories is the great Lion, Aslan, who represents God incarnate, Jesus Christ. He is the great King of the land of Narnia. He is the One who breathed everything into existence. He is the One who calls the children into Narnia. It becomes very apparent early in the series that everything is under his control and as long as He is alive and you are on his side, there is nothing to fear!

2. God uses little people to accomplish great things.
Jesus once said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like children. Children do not have wealth, power, or reputation. They come empty handed and this is exactly the kind of people through which Jesus wants to accomplish his plans. He desires to use those who are the least, in order to demonstrate his great power. This idea is beautifully weaved in these stories as we enter Narnia with these children who soon become kings and queens, each with extraordinary talents and skills.

3. Growth is an inevitable part of knowing Jesus.
Aslan demonstrates his great power even by his simple presence. His presence causes an immediate reaction in every single creature's being. Those who do not honor him, all at once, experience a sense of fear and hatred towards him. On the other hand, those who do honor him, immediately feel comforted, as they are filled with courage and reverence.

Moreover, everyone who recognizes and admires Aslan for who he is, begin to change into beautiful creatures inside and out. The annoying, slothful egoists become pleasant, caring and loving friends. The change takes time but each person who knows Jesus is in the process of this amazing transformation that is initiated by the King himself!

4. Our world is a foreshadow of heaven.
We are gifted with countless blessings in the time and space we live in. The relationships we have with other people is a marvelous blessing in itself. The beauty of the nature that surrounds us is breathtaking. To have these blessings makes our life enjoyable. However, all of these cannot fulfill our deepest longings. The greatest joy comes when creatures meet their Creator. A life awaits beyond this one, when every sense of ours will be completely satisfied from the beauty of the one who created them in the beginning.

5. Luring sin steals our joy.
Oh how clear are the words of God! But yet how tempting it is to disobey them each moment of our life. Sin stands in the way of our relationship with God and sin prevents us from enjoying Jesus. The simplicity of each task assigned to the children in this series mirrors the simplicity of our task here on Earth. God gives us a clear direction of what we need to be pursuing each moment of our life, but sin encroaches and offers us an alternative that appears to be so much better, only to disappoint us in the end.

The Chronicles of Narnia is a wonderful gift from an outstanding author. There are many more lessons that can be drawn out from these books which uncover some profound truths. Regardless of age, this series of books are sure to have an impact on those who read them!


  1. Agh bro! I'm convinced now. To my shame I have not read them yet and will try to start soon! Thanks for the thoughts!


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