Finding Balance

Being in school for the past fifteen years of my life has granted me valuable knowledge, skills, and experiences. I do not feel ready to evaluate the importance and the quality of those things just yet. Another thing, however, that school had given me all these years was a consistent schedule and limitations.

Graduating from college seems like taking the first step out on this journey called, real life. Here, every moment of each day of my life now, seems to offer me a thousand different possibilities. There's so much things I'd love to do, places I'd travel, people I'd like to talk to, countless books I'd love to read, projects I'd love to finish, languages I'd want to learn and countless many other things I'd want to do.

Having so many possibilities before me, my challenge is to figure out what to do. How am I to choose? Where should I begin? How do I decide?

With many questions, I come to the conclusion that I must take a very practical approach. The endless possibilities have to be narrowed down. My finiteness does not allow me to do everything. I must choose to do what is important, otherwise, I will not get anywhere. The only way for me to excel at anything is to choose what is most valuable to me. This means that I must set the rest aside. I can be successful at any one thing only if I invest enough time and effort into that particular activity.

Discipline is vital for my productivity. Disciplining myself to finish a specific set of projects in one day by keeping a to do list, helps me stay focused and keeps me accountable for the completion of those tasks. However, simply getting the required things done isn't enough. I don't want to simply get things done, I want to enjoy the process as much as I enjoy the result!


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