The thrilling start to a journey with God

Ever since I was a kid I had a lot of dreams and ambitions. My collection of dreams began to grow with every year. As my small, wondering eyes began to see the size of this world and the countless possibilities that lay in my grasp, I became convinced that many of my dreams were actually attainable. I began believing that I could become what I really wanted to become. I was willing to face the challenges along the way to become the person that I always longed to be.

After graduating university, the quest for my career began. Despite the feeling of anxiety, which filled most of the search, I was eager and excited to find out where my experience and education would take me. I knew what I wanted and I was ready to face it. It turned out to be more stressful and a lot lengthier than I had imagined it. But after many nights of filling out applications, rewriting my resume and countless cover letters, my job search finally ended.

There was a critical lesson that God was teaching me in the midst of my lengthy job search, which lasted over half a year. I had made the initial mistake of focusing on my abilities and experience, as I was hoping to get the perfect job. It was extremely stressful and left me hopeless. I was doing everything right but my efforts yielded absolutely nothing in return, besides feelings of frustration and unsettledness.

It wasn't until I began asking God to trust Him and His power, that I began to be at peace with my lack of full-time employment. I then began to understand more clearly that it wasn't about me, it surely wasn't about my employment. I realized then, that I was blind to see His goodness and guidance in my life. I already had an amazing part-time job at the university at that time, and the fact that I did not have a consistent job was His plan. It was only when I began to see how blessed I was that my relationship to the job search began to change. I became free from my anxieties and was eager to accept what God was about to give.

I realize now that this is only the beginning. My goals for the future must expand beyond the limits of my mind. I don't know where my career will take me, but I know that it's all part of God's sovereign plan. He has directed my paths to where I am right now and He will continue to direct them from here!

The greatest thing that I now have is not a stable job or some guarantee of job security. No, the most valuable thing that I have attained now is the assurance that where I am is where He wants me to be. The most important thing that I now have is the confidence that He is with me and will provide me with the necessary means in order for me to accomplish His will and His goals. The most thrilling part of my life is knowing that my ambitions are attainable because they are aligned with the will of God!


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