Connecting my life to God's story

With the start of a new year, I have enjoyed connecting myself with the story of God and His people as I read through the narrative of the Bible. Opening the pages of the Old Testament and seeing how God worked among His people many centuries ago has been a very empowering experience for my life. With each new day, I am realizing how relevant the stories of the Bible are to my life.

Thousands of years after the Old Testament, we are still faced with the same decisions as the people of the Old Testament did. As humans, we haven't changed much. In fact, we haven't changed a single bit; every person is still born with a heart that rebels and opposes the plans of God. We still pursue our own selfish desires as we attempt to attain good things by our own ways without a single thought or consideration about the One who has created us for His purpose. Sure, we may have the best intentions and goals in mind, however, every one of them lies on the foundation of our own selfishness. 

Despite the common sinfulness of the hearts of men, it is incredible to see the same patient and faithful God in all of these stories. Just as He was then, He is still slow to anger and extends his grace and mercy to every creature, revealing his love for humanity and His commitment to change us into the people that He desires to see. The faithfulness of God in the midst of the corruption of His chosen people is something that almost seems to place God in an awkward position. His faithfulness is something we will never understand, yet it is found in the pages of every single book of the Bible. If it wasn't for His faithfulness, the story would end with the third chapter, but the promises of God continue to write His story that introduces a Savior. 

It is evident in every story that humans are in need of salvation. Every character in the story of God comes to a place in his life where he realizes His need in rescue. God's faithfulness provides men redemption. However, at the end of the day, towards the end of each story, there remains a void. Death takes the life of men. Each hero loses his spotlight. Every life is cut short. There are no happily ever after stories, not until the arrival of a true hero. The Redeemer comes as the ultimate King, the only One who write a story with a happy ending. 

With every passing day, as I connect my life with God's story, I begin to realize how much I can learn about myself and my God in the narrative of the Bible. There are a number of things that happen every time I read and meditate on the God's word. It shows my sinfulness and need in Jesus, who makes it possible to worship God, it reminds me of the character of God and directs my heart and mind to the ultimate life goal of worshiping Him. 


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